Sunday, December 7, 2008

2nd to the last week of school...

here are a few pics of whats been going on the past week.

Snow day with the Shinohara's while Kristie decorated for a Christmas thingy:)
Kristian and Kory
Bundled up boy-kristian:)
Big Grin from Kristian:) He found his drumsticks:)
studying at Argo Tea and getting a visitor!:) bethany:)
All nighter at my place with Katie...well, she stayed up all night...and all day...and probably all night too...i slept at 4 and slept in. lol:) i like my sleep.
Studying and chatting.
and the HIGHLIGHT: i got visitors!!!:) My lil man Clarkster, and his mom, Dani, and lil Sister, Lily!:)
we made gingerbread cookies which ended up really...crumbly. totally unedible:)
ryan joined us for dinner:) first time ryan's met clarkster - our ringbearer:)
Clark helped me alot with the gingerbread stuff:)
Clarkster and Wheely:)

painting out cookies
my Lil Man and his car, Wheely!!!!:) (should have rotated it before posting...)
i had some great videos of dani and clark playing baseball on the wii...but it won't let me upload them! i'll figure out a way...

1 comment:

Laura said...

Yay! I'm glad you have a blog!

Monya, Sophia, and Anya

Monya, Sophia, and Anya
asking for prayer this week for them...