Sunday, March 21, 2010

Beautiful SC

Someone tell me why the beautiful South Carolina beaches has to be so far away from me.
I keep seeing everyone's facebook statuses from the east coast talking about going to the beach or walking by water. for a coastal chic, it's driving me nuts not to be near the ocean or beautiful bodies of water. I'm still wearing jackets to go from the house to the car, and i'm just waiting for the day when i can pull out my handy dandy flipflops and go for a stroll around Storm Lake. (people around here claim its beautiful-we'll see...a lake surrounded by fields just doesn't compare to a whole ocean with sandy beaches and palm trees!) Hopefully we'll get to feel a similar warmth here in Iowa before I go completely out of my mind:)

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Monya, Sophia, and Anya

Monya, Sophia, and Anya
asking for prayer this week for them...