Lindsay Norman

I asked Lindsay to be a bridesmaid before she headed over to Ukraine in the middle of the summer. I wanted to ask her in person before she was off, and December would be the next time i'd see her, so i just could not wait and i HAD to ask her!:) Lindsay's such a special person in my life. We don't talk all the time, and we don't email frequently, but Lindsay's the friend that when i see her, nothing has changed, and we go back to being exactly how it was before!:)
I have actually known LIndsay since she was in the nursery years and years ago at CBC. I would come in and help out in the Nursery with my mom, thinking i was big shot Kristine, watching all this little people. I was actually not much older than them, but i felt like it;). Anywayz, I've known Lindsay since then, but we weren't really friends until my Senior Year of Highschool. I just moved back to Beaufort, and I went on a girls' retreat to a beauty bash kinda of thing. We were at a campfire, and started talking. Turns out we had the same college dream, of going to Moody Bible Institute! Since then, we had many coffee, uppercrusts, and downtown dock dates. Bible study group outings, and good conversations. She was there at the beginning of my relationship with Ryan and listen about my first encounters of Ryan, because i called her to update her on the new boy in my life!
Each time i come home, our friendship never changes and i love it!:)
Lindsay and I on our first trip to Ukraine!
Lindsay's visit to Chicago
Beach time with Lindsay - senior year of highschool
1 comment:
Kristine, I am so excited to be in your wedding! Looking at those pictures I realized that we've gone through so many things (high school, college, UA trips, moving all over the place, now marriage) and we're still friends. I'm so glad that God blessed me with you. I love ya girly and can't wait to see you again!
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