Stephanie Campos
Stephanie Campos is one of the most special persons in my life. She has been such a breath of fresh air to have on 6W and to have around. I met Stephanie my junior year of college when she was placed on 6West. I'm so glad she was! I love each time we've had together throughout the last year and a half with coffee dates, shopping trips, laughing gas times, late nights studying, crazy strawberry photoshoots, and sleepovers! I love how she has been around for so much of my relationship with Ryan and she's always there to get excited with about wedding plans or engagement stuff! When i asked her to be my bridesmaid i was blown away with the privilege of having her in my wedding, and I'm so excited for her to stand next to me up there when I marry Ryan. God gave me an amazing woman to have in my life as a friend, and i praise Him constantly for her! I know that I'll always have Stephanie in my life, whether we're near or far away. Earlier this year when we talked about bridesmaids and weddings and such, she had said, " a bridesmaid is someone that will always be involved in your life..." and guess what? Thatz her!:)

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