God blessed me soooo much for giving me sisters. I love being the middle one, an older and a younger sister. Giggles just seem to attack us when we're together - laughing at each other and with each other is just so fun. i think back to the days growing up together and the fun memories we're blessed to be able to look back on. some don't have this relationship with their sisters or brothers, but this family is strong with the sister deal.
I was out to lunch with a friend, and something she said intrigued me, "Kristine, its amazing to see how well you and Ilene are getting along. You work together, you live together, your together alot! and you're still getting along." its true though. We've been blessed with such a solid relationship, one that we just can't seem to get enough of. Ilene has been sick the past few days, and its been kinda fun taking care of her, babying her with massages, soup, and entertainment. Ilene is such a great roommate as well as sister, as she inspires me each morning she gets up at 5:30 to do her quiet times.
Ashley, my little sister, is always on my mind, as i think about her growing up, and how i wish i could be there for everyday of it. I got to have the summer with her, and i loved it so much. hanging out with her is never boring, and i loved getting to talk to her about everything in the world. I love seeing how hungry she is to grow, and how excited she is to know more and more about God. She's growing beautifully, and is gorgeous, inside and out. she just turned 13, which i can't believe, but she's so wise and discerning for her age. not to mention, she's crazy to be around and laugh with:).
Its funny because ever since i got engaged everything has been like, "we HAVE to do this before Kristine gets married," or " its our LAST Christmas together as a family!!!! (or last Thanksgiving, Spring break, etc...). We cherish the time together, and even with a new marriage in a year, they'll gain a brother that they never had!:) what fun girls can have together...so so so fun. I've thought about a year from now, and how that'll look, and it looks like it'll be a blast. ILene's for sure my Maid-of-honor, and ithink we'll make a special spot called, Junior Made of Honor, for Ashley Grace:).
Anyways, my sisters are amazing. absolutely amazing.
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