Sunday, May 23, 2010

2 1/2 days

that's right...that's how far it is till:

- 6 am runs
-taking the time to cook a good dinner for my husband-no more rushing dinners or late ones
-bike rides to get where i need to be-because i can take the time to leave earlier to get there on bike!
-shorts, tank tops, and summer clothes every day-no work clothes for 2 1/2 months
- sunny days to play outside and get a tanner tan
-freedom to spend time with people
- bummer thing: no beach here.
- getting to see my husband more during the day, visiting him at work!
-time to read Love and Respect, Fresh Wind Fresh Fire, Percy Jackson & and the Olympians, and the remainder Harry Potter books
-another bummer thing: no pool unless you want to pay like 15 bucks each time
- visiting the garden and picking fresh vegetables from it
-baseball games in the evening; complete with concession stands and cheering fans
-visiting Kansas to see the mom B, sister Katie, and Grandma O
- taking pictures in the sun
-wearing flipflops or going barefoot in thick green grass
- cold treats: smoothies, frozen berries, yogurts, and skinny cows

so many goodies in the summer.
So many things to look forward to.
I can't wait!

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Monya, Sophia, and Anya

Monya, Sophia, and Anya
asking for prayer this week for them...