There's this woman, who loves the Lord. She loves the Lord so much that she gave up everything she had for her three girls. She dedicated her life to be the mother and nurturer for them, choosing not to work outside of the home, but using her life to invest and teach her girls at home in every moment of her day.
This woman saw her call of being a mother as the greatest privilege the Lord had given her, and loved her role as she was involved in every area of her girls' lives. She became her daughters' wise counsel, because she not only spoke the truth of God's Word, but she lived as an example of it. She taught so many life lessons, and shared times in God's word with her family, both at the start of the day and the end of the day, and because of that, her girls are following the Lord.
She doesn't take prayer lightly-she prays diligently everyday for her family. Her little girls would wake up and see their mother in God's Word and in prayer every single day. That memory is still ingrained in these girls' minds.
She taught her girls to love each other, to respect others, to spend quality time above all, with their family. She showed these girls to respect and love their daddy so much, because of the love and respect she showed him at all times. Their love for each other is so evident.
This woman's strength, love, and character strengthened this family even to this day. She never stops caring, loving, and nurturing her girls and husband. She always told the girls how she treasured them, and although so many women complain about their husband and kids, this mother never did. She always loves her family in her words and her actions, whether the family was present or not. She was quick to discipline in love, and point her girls in the right direction when they made mistakes or disobeyed.
This woman is also such fun to be around. Her laughter is contagious and brings belly aches of laughter to the family. Because of this mother and her husband's effort and love, together, they made family time more desirable and enjoyable than anytime with anyone else, just the way it should be. This couple established family nights, family devotions, and family prayer to the lives of these three girls-and today, these three girls are following the Lord personally.
This woman is the most loving, amazing, and incredible mom-I can testify.
this woman-is my mom.
I love you, mom.
thank you for the example you set for me as I have started my own family.
You showed me how important it is to take care of my husband, and of others.
You showed me how to nurture and love.
You showed me the importance of a clean clean house and good yummy food.
My husband and I appreciate you, because what you've done has spilled over into our own family's life.
Thank you for loving the Lord, mom. Your godly ways has made me fall deeper in love with my Savior, Jesus Christ.
I love you.