in chapel today, one of the freshman on 6west asked me, "Kristine, do you have senioritis yet?" It's weird, cuz, well, I do.
I never thought I would get senioritis...i've always been pumped being here at school, cuz i love Moody, I love my friends, I never thoght I'd want to leave it. I remember my earlier years here at moody, when i'd look at the seniors and wonder how they could EVER want to leave Moody...Our school is amazing. I loved living in the dorms and loved staying up late and being crazy on our floor with my roomie. Classes with my friends totally rocked, as we were all so excited to be in the same classes together, but none of us could ever stay awake in class, because we'd be awake all night long trying to catch up on homework or just laughing and talking constantly through the night. I love those memories, and I love college, however:
I do have senioritis. not necessarily the kind that most people have. most people are just ready to not have homework, not have chapel, not have Moody rules, and not have to live on campus. I don't have a problem with any of those actually...I have senioritis, because I'm ready to be done and hit the ground running with ministry. I'm itching to get done so i can jump into the waters of youth ministry while i'm fresh with my education from Moody. I visited Pat, the career develoment, and he gave ryan and i a stack of churches around the country that are looking for Moodies to hire. In Senior Seminar, we're working on our resumes, so we can start sending them out. I'm so excited to start! If the summer was a taste of youth ministry, both with the ups and downs of it, I'm really really thrilled to be going in to youth ministry.
Theres just so much excitement with this part of life. And after this sem, i'm getting married, so i'll get to do ministry with my best friend and husband!! Ryan and i are praying for leading in the direction God may want us...could be anywhere as far as Alaska, Washington, or Pennsylvania! I feel like we can really compliment each other with our ministry, as he is so solid in Bible, theology, and teaching, and I am experienced in youth ministry with a youth min degree. together i think God's made a pretty cool team. can't wait to see what God's gonna do this year. I'm pretty hyped up about all this. I'm at a pretty cool point of my life, i must say.
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