This is the crazy crew from last year...
My Sundays usually goes like this:
7:00 am - wake up, do my quiet time, and drink my coffee
8:00am - get ready for church
8:40ish - if i'm ready by this time, i pull out the wii and do some fighting action on super mario galaxy
9:05 - wait for ryan downstairs in the lobby and then walk to the bus to go to church
10:00 - church starts. lately, church has been absolutely amazing. we just got a new pastor and he really really really knows how to challenge and encourage the church. he's right on with his preaching.
11:30 - have lunch out in Oak Park or make our way back downtown to have lunch at my apartment with ilene.
12 - 2:50 pm - hang out at the apartment. play wii, eat food. talk. take a nap. the three of us usually end up playing Wii or reading.
3:00 - go to work. stay at work til midnight.
*sigh.* i thought the whole sunday afternoon working thing would be great to do homework. i don't ever get anything done though! i always want to play a board game, ping pong, foosball, pool, cards...anything. i love when friends visit, and we usually end up talking for a couple hours. each. the random visits of friends i don't see often are great too. I've had some really uplifting conversation with Daryl and Tyrone lately. Last night, Daryl let me practice on him with my ping pong skills, or lack of. i told a friend from home that i could whoop him at pingpong, and now i'm just sharpening my "skills" so i can actually put my money where my mouth is. hehe.
anywayz, back to the topic. The game room is such a great place to work at, i must say. I really really enjoy everyone i work with, and we find alot of time to do some hanging out while one of us is working. we have such a crazy crew in the gameroom, you can always find something fun to do. Next week, josh, melody and i are gonna go out to the burbs to visit Mike, he's a youth pastor now! we're gonna visit him and then check out his youth group. we're pretty excited. We all got to know each other from work, and now we kinda just like hanging out. we've gone on some fun rollerblading trips in the city.
anyways, all this to say, the game room is an awesome placeto work out, simply because of the people. and we get to play games while working:) socializing while work? heck yes, the best job on campus.
First pic: left to right: melody, mike, josh, and i.
Second pic: rollerblading trip down to the beach...ended up playing in the water, rather than skating...oh so fun. can't wait for the next outing with these guys.

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