Last night, Vova popped up online and updated me on how the orphanage is doing. He always sends new pictures and tells me how the kids are doing. I love hearing about them, and i love seeing Vova and his family. They are so precious to me. Vova's like the coolest guy in Ukraine and his family is so amazing. His kids are so fun and his wife is an absolute sweetheart. I love seeing them on skype and seeing his kids, Lia, Evelena, and Salomia, and his wife Tanya. I miss them. But i love that i get to see them on skype. I asked him what they wanted for christmas from me, and he said, "I want to see you and your boy in Ukraine." oh oh oh, how i wish it were so.
anywayz, heres are a few pics of some of the kids.
July 2007 and July 2008

October 2008
Picture taken by Vova P.

My sweet sweet girl, Zhana. I can still see her running to me the first day I went to the orphanage this year. She was
wearing her blue sweater and her white hat. She called out to me, "Kristina, Kristina!" and her little arms reached out for me to pick her up. I threw my arms around her, embracing her tininess. She wouldn't leave my side, she fought for the seat next to me, every morning her sweet grin melted my heart as she called out my name and ran to me.
One memory i have with her is putting her to bed one evening, with nine little ones running around full of energy, even though it was bedtime. Zhana was all ready for bed, in facy, she was sitting on the ladder that led to the bunk above her. She fell though, and her back hit the bottom rung, and she cried. She cried for her mama, but her mama was no where close.
after getting her ice for her back, i cradled her in my arms and placed her in her bed. She sniffled softly and snuggled her face in her pillow. I remember looking at her and tearing up as i sang quietly to her the one worship song i knew in russian. i brushed her hair out of her eyes, and her big blueish green eyes looked at me, still with some tears in them from her fall. then her eyes kinda fluttered, and i just sang to her til she fell asleep. I miss her...she was two when i first met her but she's getting to be such a big girl. She's no longer shy and scared. she's outgoing and fun and loving. she loves to cuddle and loves to be held.
summer 2008

October 2008

Lena is nine years old. She is by far, the sweetest most wonderful 9 year old ever. She's so independent, so willing to help, so defensive of her friends and stuff. lol;) She will stand up to any big boy that tries to mess with her or and of her buddies, and she'll wag her little fist at them and threaten to beat them up. haha, i caught her swinging at someone this past summer, and then ran away giggling. She's so cute. She loves hugs. She loves riding bikes. She loves helping with chores, and trying to make me happy. I love her. I miss her. I wish I could give her the love and attention she needs. my heart aches to see this little girl...She's getting to be so grown up too!
Anton, Vlada, and Sasha
summer 08

Vlada and Sasha...october 2008:)

Aren't they just precious? these are two of the happiest little girls ever. they're sisters, and they have an older sister at the orphanage as well, who is 9. They are soooo sweet and sooo cuddly. Vlada always giggles, and Sasha always looks after her. they love hugs and kisses, and playing and running, and being lifted up like an they make me smile just looking at them.
anywayz, i need to hit the sheets cuz i'm sick with the flu...but i just wanted to share a little piece of my heart thats still at the orphanage. keep these kids in your prayer please...